“Unforgivable” rise in deaths in children must...
The number of child deaths in England has increased by 8% in the past year, from 29.3 to…
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Why does the UK continue to trail other high incom...
- BY Jacqui Wise
New OECD data highlight the UK’s lacklustre performance on cancer, stroke and cardiovascular outcomes. Jacqui Wise examines what…
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A presentation to flesh out
This is a 12×6 mm soft, pink nodule with a small area of ulceration in the right axilla…
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Working in the sun causes one in three non-melanom...
- BY Jacqui Wise
The World Health Organization has called on governments to ensure that outdoor workers are protected from the sun,…
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Evolving use of recreational drugs in UK—nitazen...
Limon Khatun Nahar, senior toxicologist, Rebecca Andrews, deputy head, Sue Paterson, head of departmentToxicology Unit, Imperial College London,…
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GP trainee who did locum shifts while receiving £...
- BY Clare Dyer
A GP specialty trainee who claimed nearly £10 000 in sick pay from one NHS trust while doing locum…
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GP leaders in England call for a pause in recruitm...
The BMA’s GP committee for England (GPC England) has called for an immediate pause in the recruitment of…
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Covid-19: Whitehall chaos and misplaced confidence...
- BY Clare Dyer
The latest evidence to the UK’s covid inquiry has laid bare critical shortcomings in the government’s response, as…
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Happiness and comparisons are a choice
- BY David Chan
David Chan, consultant oesophagogastric surgeonUniversity Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, UKDavid.chan8{at}nhs.netOliver discusses the right comparisons for…
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Authors’ reply to Fell | The BMJ
Shai Mulinari, associate professor1, Piotr Ozieranski, reader21Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden2Department of…
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Unethical pharmaceutical marketing: a self-regulat...
- BY Alex Fell
Alex Fell, directorPrescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority, London, UKafell{at}pmcpa.org.ukI welcome Mulinari and Ozieranski’s detailed discussion about the…
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Doctors stage London protest over climate deaths
bmj;383/oct31_11/p2526/FAF1faMarianne KellyHealth professionals, including hospital doctors and GPs, took part in a “die in” outside JP Morgan Chase’s…
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