Category: Uncategorized
Blackout deaths: the grim toll of Ecuador’s...
Andersson Boscán, freelance journalistToronto, Canadaandersson{at}laposta.ecAn energy crisis has seen regular power blackouts…
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US regulator proposes special labelling for pulse...
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published draft guidance aimed…
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What “dose” of anxiety is needed to...
Climate change: a global emergencyThe potential for climate change to undermine prosperity…
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Paradoxes, fresh starts, and the fortnightly BMJ
Kamran Abbasi, editor in chiefThe BMJkabbasi{at}bmj.comA new year is meant to bring…
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Auricular atrophy | The BMJ
Qiongyi Hu, physician, Longfang Chen, medical studentDepartment of Rheumatology and Immunology, Ruijin…
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Ruth White: psychiatrist who pioneered the development...
Ruth White was a woman of many passions; from antique textiles to…
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Smoking’s pop culture revival is an unwelcome...
Caroline Cerny, deputy chief executiveAction on Smoking and HealthThe 1990s were characterised…
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Another winter of discontent looms for NHS...
Tim Cooksley, immediate past president11Society for Acute MedicineWith a sense of inevitability…
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NHS disciplinary procedures: managers should be regulated
I welcome the Medical Protection Society’s report calling for all NHS trust…
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Poor quality housing is harming our health
Michael Marmot, directorUCL Institute of Health EquityThe UK is not a good…
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