Category: UK
Covid inquiry: Chief medical officer’s scepticism about...
The inquiry heard more evidence on the UK’s policies relating to vaccines…
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BMA apologises for “upset and distress” caused...
The shortage of training jobs has angered resident doctors’ leaders. Ella Hubbard…
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Scarlett McNally: Surgical hubs need to be...
Scarlett McNally, professorEastbournescarlettmcnally{at}cantab.netFollow Scarlett on X @scarlettmcnallyThe new plan to improve NHS…
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John Launer: Losing touch with NHS reality
John Launer, GP educator and writerLondonjohnlauner{at}aol.comFollow John on X @johnlaunerA wonderfully absurdist…
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Future of England’s medical apprenticeships is in...
Pilot medical apprenticeship programmes in England, which were being trialled as a…
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GP leaders in Scotland demand investment to...
The BMA’s Scottish General Practitioners Committee (SGPC) has set out a list…
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Rammya Mathew: New guidance is a golden...
Rammya Mathew, GPLondonrammya.mathew{at}nhs.netFollow Rammya on X @RammyaMathewIt’s more than 10 years since…
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Rammya Mathew: GPs have to be able...
Rammya Mathew, GPLondonrammya.mathew{at}nhs.netFollow Rammya on X @RammyaMathewAt a recent clinical meeting, I…
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Helen Salisbury: A budget to end GPs’...
Helen Salisbury, GPOxfordhelen.salisbury{at} Helen on X @HelenRSalisburyLast week Rachel Reeves, the chancellor…
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Midlands practice changes notice about PAs’ training...
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has intervened after a general practice in…
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