Michael McKendrick

bmj;386/sep23_11/q2054/FAF1faMike was born in Newcastle, where he attended the Royal Grammar School and then joined Durham University medical school. After house jobs at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, he joined the Royal Navy on a short service commission for three years. He joined doctors Dickson and Stewart in Hexham in 1960. Over the next few years, thanks to Mike’s lead, Burn Brae Medical Group became one of the first vocational training and computerised practices in the north east. He also expanded the practice to three male and three female partners and a primary healthcare team of 25, including social workers, counsellors, and a computer manager, as well as a full complement of clinical staff.He never lost his astute clinical ability and always emphasised the central role of the patient in clinical care. The many doctors who were lucky enough to have him as their trainer in general practice gained greatly from…

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