Is it broken?Have you been living under a rock? The government has talked about little else since taking office in July. But now that Ara Darzi has diagnosed the problem,1 ministers want to move on to the solutions stage. Which is where you come in.What, me?Yes, you. Ministers want doctors, the public, experts, and their dogs to help shape the government’s ten year health plan for England by taking part in a big public consultation dubbed the “biggest ever national conversation” about the future of the NHS.2How is the convo flowing so far?It’s been positively loquacious, but it has gone off on a few tangents.Such as?Early suggestions for policies included free waffles for every patient, a maximum body mass index for nurses, installing Madrí lager on tap in all hospitals to “help patient morale,” replacing the health secretary Wes Streeting with a dog, and putting the Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta…
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